This microservice is part of the Merritt Preservation System.
ZooKeeper API for Merritt Microservices.
Build with tests
mvn clean install
Build without tests
mvn clean install -Ddocker.skip -DskipITs -Dmaven.test.skip=true
First Time
cd src/main/ruby
bundle install
Subsequent Updates
cd src/main/ruby
bundle update
The mrt-zk library contains a small number of Unit Tests.
The majority of mrt-zk tests require a running instance of ZooKeeper.
Therefore, these instructions will show how to run both unit tests and integration tests.
Maven will start/stop an integration test instance of ZooKeeper as tests are executed.
maven clean install
To make sure that the jar is up to date, build without running tests
mvn install -Ddocker.skip -DskipITs -Dmaven.test.skip=true
Launch Containers
docker-compose up -d
Run the junit tests in VSCode.
Stop the contaienr
docker-compose down
cd src/main/ruby
bundle install
bundle exec rspec
This check is also enforced via GitHub actions
cd src/main/ruby
bundle exec rubocop
No linting exists for our Java code
The following script will build both javadocs and rubydocs.
Currently, the published API docs are checked into GitHub.
Eventually, we plan to publish these separately from GitHub.
cd src/main/ruby
export ZKCONN=localhost:8084
# export ZKCONN=`get_ssm_value_by_name inventory/zoo/queueService`
bundle exec ruby show_all.rb