These are the instructions to bring up the Rails environment for the dash-ingest codeline on your local machine.
- ruby 2.1.2p95
- Rails 3.2.19
Directories needed (create from top-level dash-ingest):
- uploads
- test_uploads
- log
- tmp/backup
- tmp/pids
- tmp/cache
- tmp/sockets
Modify as needed:
- config/database.yml
- config/datashare.yml
- config/merritt.yml
- deploy.rb (if doing deployment)
Run Rake task for populating the institution table, only when deploying the app for the first time on a server:
$ RAILS_ENV=env bundle exec rake db:setup
(replace ‘env’ with the name of the current environment).
When running rails server, you have to specify the local environment like this: Why?
The local is an environment that Mark created and I think it’s a workaround for user login problems since you can’t easily get a shibboleth login locally because of encryption, certificates and having to run some shib software. It basically automatically logs you in to the app with a fake user. (It’s the user with NULL email address in the database.)
$ RAILS_ENV=local rails server
Capistrano commands: (from your local if you have ssh on the server)
$ Cap development deploy
$ Cap development deploy:restart
The test command is:
$ RAILS_ENV=test rake test:integration