XTF Installation

Follow these steps to clone Dash XTF repository to your local environment

  1. Download XTF Tutorial package: http://xtf.cdlib.org/download/
  2. Unzip files to your local server. Will create a directory at /xtfWorkshop
  3. Delete XTF directory at /xtfWorkshop/tomcat/webapps/xtf
  4. Clone Dash repository from Github:

     cd xtfWorkshop/tomcat/webapps
     git clone git://github.com/CDLUC3/dash-xtf.git
  5. Add exclusions to git index
    1. Add these lines to xtfWorkshop/tomcat/webapps/dash-xtf/.git/info/exclude:

    2. Run these commands at the repo home directory:

       git update-index --assume-unchanged xtf/conf/textIndexer.conf
       git update-index --assume-unchanged xtf/style/crossQuery/queryParser/default/queryParser.xsl
       git update-index --assume-unchanged xtf/style/dynaXML/docReqParser.xsl
  6. Download data directory
    1. Unzip dash-data.zip and rename folder “dash-data” to “data” to

  7. Change files

    For PCs:

    1. /xtfWorkshop/setVars.bat (line 20)

       set XTF_HOME=%CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\dash-xtf\xtf

    For Macs:

    1. Line 5: /xtfWorkshop/textIndexer

       export XTF_HOME="$XTFWS/tomcat/webapps/dash-xtf/xtf"
    2. Line 16: /xtfWorkshop/cmdPrompt.command

       echo "export XTF_HOME=\"$XTFWS/tomcat/webapps/dash-xtf/xtf\"" >> /tmp/xtfworkshop_init
    3. Line 11: /xtfWorkshop/tomcat.command

       export XTF_HOME="$XTFWS/tomcat/webapps/dash-xtf/xtf"

    For both PCs and Macs

    1. Lines 12 & 13: /xtfWorkshop/tomcat/webapps/dash-xtf/xtf/conf/textIndexer.conf

       <src path="./data" scan="all"/>
       <db path="./index"/>
    2. Line 80: /xtfWorkshop/tomcat/webapps/dash-xtf/xtf/style/crossQuery/queryParser/default/queryParser.xsl

       <query indexPath="index" termLimit="1000" workLimit="1000000" style="{$stylesheet}" startDoc="{$startDoc}" maxDocs="{$docsPerPage}">
    3. Line 128: /xtfWorkshop/tomcat/conf/server.xml

       <Host name="localhost"  appBase="webapps/dash-xtf"
    4. /xtfWorkshop/tomcat/webapps/dash-xtf/xtf/style/dynaXML/docReqParser.xsl

      • line 105

          <xsl:variable name="file" select="concat('data/',$docId)"/>
      • line 171

          <source path="{concat('data/',$docId)}"/>
  8. Follow directions at http://xtf.cdlib.org/getting-started-tutorials/quick-start/:
    • set paths and environment variables with cmdPrompt.bat (PCs) or cmdPrompt.command (Macs)
    • index data with textIndexer
    • start tomcat
    • go to localhost